WA$TED online

The New Zealand version of WA$TED is now available to stream online globally. WA$TED is an international hit – teaching families around the world how to save money and save the planet. You can find all the episodes at www.wastedtv.co.nz You can also join the conversation at https://www.facebook.com/wastednz Fumes is committed to new distribution methods and is

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Building a Business of Value

Fumes producer, Carthew Neal attended the Entrepreneurial Producing for the Creative Industries course held at the National Film & Television School, United Kingdom. The course covered film, TV, music, publishing, live, gaming & online industries and was sponsored by Ingenious Investments and Lee & Thompson Legal. It was championed by Sir Richard Branson, led by film

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Super City II

Madeleine Sami returns for a second season of Super City with four new outrageous characters on Friday 26th July 10pm on TV3. Ofa is a welfare case-manager demanding everyone follow in her footsteps out of poverty. Levi is a new half-back in his South Auckland rugby team and desperate to be one of the ‘boys’.

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